‘Call Of Duty: Black Ops III’ Features A Creepy-As-Hell ‘Doctor Who’ Themed Easter Egg!

Briefly: I have a feeling that a bunch of Doctor Who fans are running out to pick up some Black Ops III right about now.

I have absolutely no clue how people discover Easter Eggs like this, but apparently the Nuketown 2065 map in Call of Duty: Black Ops III features a pretty neat Who themed secret.

Basically, all that you have to do is shoot the arms off of every one of the maps creepy mannequins in less than two minutes, and you’ll enter a Weeping Angels-esque battle in which the mannequins begin to attack you, but of course, only move when you’re not looking at them.


You can take a look at YouTuber TheHiddenBlade101’s look at the Easter Egg below, and if you’ve tried it yourself, be sure to let us know just how creeped out you are!

Again, I have no clue how people discover random stuff like this, but it any case, it’s a pretty damned clever secret.