Director Pete Travis Talks About The Possibility Of A Sequel To ‘Dredd’

One of Geekscape’s favorite movies this year was definitely Dredd. However, the general movie going audience didn’t seem to feel the same way and it underperformed at the box office. While promoting the Blu-Ray release of Dredd 3D, director Pete Travis commented on the possibility of a sequel to the film. Despite Dredd not making back its $50 million budget, Travis believes that a sequel will happen. However, he doesn’t think that he’ll be around to direct and also comments on Alex Garland’s idea for a trilogy:


“I don’t think so. I really hope there is a second one. I just feel very lucky to have been involved in the first one. It has been a great experience for me. I read Alex Garland’s script two years ago, and I fell in love with it then. I have enjoyed the whole process of working on that with him, and bringing it to the screen. It was extraordinary. I hope they get the chance to make another one. I think Dredd is an extraordinary character. I think Karl Urban captured him so perfectly. I think there is a real beautiful future there.”


“I think Alex Garland has a trilogy in his mind. I think there is a whole exciting journey in front of Dredd if Alex and Karl Urban get to take him on that journey. The future is really exciting for him. Especially in terms of going with some of the other characters from the comic book. Finding out more about where Dredd comes from. I also think its exciting, the possibilities. The first film does go all out as a visual feast. Whoever gets a chance to do the others willl take that, and make it even more exciting. I can’t wait to see it. I don’t really know how the sequel thing works, really. I hope they get another chance to make a second film. I think Karl Urban…He is Dredd. It would be really exciting for them to make another, and go further with that character. I sincerely hope so…”

Travis also revealed that he’s got another comic book script on his table at the moment:


“I wasn’t looking for a comic book movie when I found Dredd. Like I say, it was all about the script. There is another comic book script that I have been sent, that I quite like. I hope it might get made this year. I think comic books and graphic novels are exciting. I think there are tons of ways to make them more real. It’s an area I am really excited about.”

But of course, he couldn’t reveal what the project was just yet.  If you haven’t picked up your copy of Dredd yet, go out and do it. Negotiations are over. Let’s all help get this film the sequel that it deserves.


Source: MovieWeb