New ‘Ace Attorney 5’ Trailer Calls New Prosecutor, Klavier and Pearl to the Stand!

Details on the upcoming Ace Attorney 5: Dual Destinies have been slow to find their way to our eyes and ears, but it looks like Capcom is ready to blow the lid off of this thing.

A Japan only Nintendo Direct focusing on Capcom’s court room drama, (with a side of giant monsters to hunt,) revealed some exciting details regarding the long awaited fifth entry in the Phoenix Wright saga. Highlighting the return of series favorites like Miles Edgeworth and Trucy Wright, (with blink and you’ll miss them shots of former medium in training, Pearl Fey and Apollo’s rock and roll rival, Klavier Gavin,) round out a new cast that seems more than capable of living up to the quirky reputation of these games.

Joined by new assistant Athena Cykes, Apollo and Wright will need her ability to psychoanalyze witnesses if they want to beat new prosecutor, Jin Yugami, a living contradiction who is both a prosecutor AND a prisoner serving time for murder.

Dual Destines was recently confirmed for a digital Western release, so we won’t have to wait much longer. Bringing together the two attorneys as co-protagonists instead of axing Apollo completely is welcomed news, and I must say I can’t wait to play it. New cases, new 3D crime scenes and… dissension within the Wright Anything Agency!? My hype levels are through the roof! Not to mention Phoenix puts on a jacket like a boss!

Check out the newest trailer and share the hype with me! And when you’re done, stop on over and read our feature about why Apollo rocks my socks.