Y: The Last Man Now A Priority At New Line

This is some exciting stuff.

Since its inception, Y: The Last Man has been atop my list of must read and favorite titles. Brian K Vaughan’s beautifully woven, intensely realistic tale of the last man on Earth is brilliant. I’ve passed the paperbacks on to countless people, who each too have fallen in love with it, and I find myself going back to it at least once a year. The haunting last few issues still resonate with me like few other books can.

For almost as long as the title has existed, a film adaptation has been in the works. The project jumped around from pre-production to shelved and back over the years until it looked as though it was coming from DJ Caruso (Disturbia, Eagle Eye, I Am Number Four), with Shia Labeouf set to play main character Yorick.

Thankfully (in my opinion) this never happened, and the project was shelved again. Little news was heard again about the project until now. Vulture has reported that Y: The Last Man is now one of New Line Cinema’s top priorities. The studio was apparently impressed with a draft from former Jericho scribes Matthew Federman and Stephen Scaia, and is now in search for a director.

Who would you like to see directing? Who do you want to see as Yorick? I used to think Ryan Reynolds or Anton Yelchin would be great for the role, though they may have aged out of it at this point. In any case, I’m excited!
