Wikipedia Finalizes Transfer From GoDaddy

Announced today on their Wikimedia blog the entire collected work of all of mankind’s knowledge, have changed their Domain registrar. Moving from the once proud and respected GoDaddy to the new to me MarkMonitor.

This really bold and unusually public change comes on the heels of a global “black out” in protest of SOPA and PIPA where Wikipedia and other sites went “dark” to show what the internet might be like if the proposed legislation passed.

One of the companies that was FOR SOPA was GoDaddy. When asked numerous times if they would change their decision, GoDaddy stood by their guns and said they would continue to support SOPA in the guise it would protect the internet. What followed could best be described as Mass Exodus as thousands of domains transferred out in protest.

My personal opinion on Wikipedia changing? Best business decision on the planet. The Wikipedia blackout on SOPA was a GIANT money grab, right in the middle of their donation season they black out. When the site came back online donations SURGED from all the armchair activists who get on a cause for a week and then stop caring when it stops being trendy. I would NOT be surprised if Jimmy Wales wasn’t on the board of directors for MarkMonitor, with all this free advertising the relatively UNKOWN registrar is getting you bet their market share as well as their wallets will explode like a 14-year old boys pants did at the Suicide Girls booth at Comic Con.

Still, this is a powerful statement by Wikipedia, be it a thinly veiled grab for money or if they ACTUALLY care about the SOPA/PIPA legislation.