Watch The Trailer For ‘The Lone Ranger’!

Just yesterday we showed you some new images from the upcoming remake of The Lone Ranger. Today Walt Disney Studios has released the official trailer!

The trailer is as exciting and action packed as most other Jerry Bruckheimer productions, and this one also features Johnny Depp! Of course Gore Verbinski also directed the Pirates of the Caribbean trilogy, so basically trade the ocean for the desert and here we are!

Check out the trailer below, and let us know what you think! The film is set to hit theatres on July 3, 2013.

Of course, if you need a refresher, here is the plot synopsis:

The Lone Ranger” is a thrilling adventure infused with action and humor, in which the famed masked hero is brought to life through new eyes. Native American spirit warrior Tonto (Johnny Depp) recounts the untold tales that transformed John Reid (Armie Hammer), a man of the law, into a legend of justice—taking the audience on a runaway train of epic surprises and humorous friction as the two unlikely heroes must learn to work together and fight against greed and corruption.