‘Warcraft’ Gets Its Own Prequel Graphic Novel In ‘Warcraft: Bonds Of The Brotherhood’!

Briefly: After what seems like forever, Duncan Jones’ Warcraft is finally in theatres this Friday.

A Legendary Entertainment staple at this point, of course the film received its own prequel graphic novel, which is available in hardcover format from today on!

The book focuses on an Azeroth-saving adventure undertaken by a young Llane, Lothar and Medivh, and is set some 30 years before the events of the upcoming film!

In the book, you’ll discover how three of Azeroth’s greatest champions forged their first alliance, as the young and headstrong Llane, Lothar, and Medivh embark on a mission of vengeance that will forge them into heroes… the kind of heroes Azeroth will need in its darkest hour.

You can take a look at a few preview pages for the book below, and be sure to let us know if you plan to pick up a copy yourself!

Warcraft_Bonds of BrotherhoodCover




