Trailer Trash Heap: E3 2011 Video Game Trailer Edition

It’s your favorite geek’s favorite geek, Kyle Kriner here! Hollywood must have been taking a nap this past week, so I figured I would cover some E3 stuff. Now I may not be a gaming expert, but I’m definitely qualified to run down some videos and arbitrarily comment on them. So enjoy this special E3 edition of the Heap, and hopefully Hollywood will deliver this coming week. Farewell, geeks! (That was a lot of accidental rhyming)

Disney Universe

This just has to be about as cute as it gets. I’m hoping you can play as more than just four Disney characters, but either way it looks like a fun party game.


Halo 4

As expected, we get this amazingly epic earth-shattering trailer, but is this really going to be any different than the other ones?

Uncharted 3

This is one game I’m totally excited about. The Uncharted games have given us such realistic likeable characters, and amazing epic stories. I’m rooting for Nathan Fillion in the movie role, anything but Mark Wahlberg. He’s such a great actor, he admitted to never playing Max Payne before filming the movie. Fail.

Dead Island

After seeing this, I can’t believe people used to think Grand Theft Auto was bad for our kids.

Mass Effect 3

I like Shepard. I also like the storylines we get in Mass Effect. But I just find it to be so mind numbingly boring. These games would be a lot funner to me if there was actually some good action between alllll the talking.

Assassin’s Creed Revelations

Another franchise I remember instantly falling in love with a few years back. Nothing like parcour action across the rooftops, and stealing horses. This trailer was awesome but I would have really liked to see some gameplay.

Kirby Wii

What’s the point of having the Wii if they don’t put out games like this. They have a great opportunity to keep timeless characters alive. And even though this looks a little more like a Gamecube game, I’d say we’re still in for a treat.

Driver San Francisco

I honestly thought we saw the death of these games a long time ago when they started making games where you could actually get out of the car and do stuff. But this is still good news. Who knows what gameplay will look like, but at least we get a cool trailer.

Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City

Many may disagree, but I hated Resident Evil 5. They are clearly trying to take these games in the action-packed run around and shoot direction. But we get stuck with characters that still can’t turn around quick enough to shoot our targets. So I’m skeptical here.

Spider-Man Edge of Time Trailer

Walton here: Just wanted to include this trailer for Edge of Time. So the big bad that “kills” Spidey to set the game in motion is Anti-Venom? Weird. When we saw the demo of this game at Wondercon, I had to admit, while very pretty, none of the gameplay seemed fresh or like something someone had done better before them. The control scheme feels very “God of War”