The Japanese Avengers Trailer is ACTUALLY Good

After a few Michael Bay-esque trailers and that poster with the 9 ft. tall Captain America that pissed off the entire internet, the Japanese prove once again that when it comes to stuff, nobody does it better than they do.

The Japanese trailer for Joss Whedon’s Avengers movie not only features a lot more footage than we’ve seen so far, but some dialogue from How I Met Your Mother’s Cobie Smulders (aka Almost-Whedon’s-Wonder-Woman, aka Agent Maria Hill in this movie, aka Agent Robin Sparkles).

"Let's go save the world... TODAY!"

The build up is better, the dialogue is more carefully chosen and the payoff shows more of the team fighting actual villains instead of making it look like the culmination of half a decade of superhero movies equals The Avengers fighting a bunch of explosions for 2 hours.

And as an added bonus, you actually hear Scarlett Johansson talking! And here she pulls off the opposite of what most actresses known for being hot would and reminds us that we actually like her when she talks (and that she’s the cool chick from Ghost World and Lost in Translation).

The Avengers comes out on May 4th — a day I’m already looking forward to more than I am my firstborn’s graduation day (cause that little non-existent bastard has to start pulling his/her weight around here). Check out the Nerdgasmic trailer by clicking here.

*Jumps up and down flashing the peace sign*