The History of Capcom’s Poison

Out of the nearly 40 fighters in Street Fighter X Tekken, one stands out above the rest. And surprisingly, it’s not any of the Tekken fighters debuting in 2D… or a Street Fighter character for that matter. Yep, I’m talking about Poison. S/he’s been a fan favorite for years, but had never appeared in a Street Fighter game as a playable brawler until now.

But what makes this sultry trap artist so popular? That’s easily because of her bizarre history dating back to Final Fight. If you’re a Capcom fan, you’ve probably heard the rumors about how she was originally a woman but was changed to a man in the U.S. version, which lead to her gender confusion. Or maybe gamers just don’t want to admit that a transgender character is hotter than most of the characters who were “born” female?

So how has a character with such little exposure throughout the years gain such a following? It’s all thanks to YouTube user MegatonStammer. This fine young man has put together a documentary explaining the controversy and history of one of Capcom’s most (unintentionally) popular creations. If nothing else, it’s an interesting look at how rumors get out of control, and even shape the identity of a fictional character. Check it out below and enjoy!