The Geekscape ‘Solo’ Special With Ian Kerner!

There’s a lot of controversy about ‘Solo: A Star Wars Story’, Disney’s latest entry in the rapidly expanding Star Wars cinematic universe! From the box office to the story to the actors, nobody quite seems to be in agreement about film… but everyone is talking about it! And that includes Ian Kerner and I as we sit down to discuss pretty much every aspect of the film! Does it work? Was it necessary? What did we like? What worries us going forward? What was up with that surprise cameo? Where does this leave the announced James Mangold ‘Boba Fett’ movie? Is the Box Office indicative of the movie’s quality? Was Lando given his due? Do new characters Beckett and Qira hold up alongside the classics? Really, there is a LOT to talk about… so let’s get to it! Hyperspace time, Ian!

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