The Geekscape Guide To Surviving Comic-Con 2012

Comic-Con 2012 is only a few short  days away and we thought it was the perfect time to give you some tips on how to successfully survive it. These are essentials to help you wander and enjoy the craziness that is San Diego Comic-Con! Just writing this is making me that much more excited for Comic-Con. This is comparable to the feeling I used to get as a kid when I would anxiously await Christmas. Sorry I digress, without further udo I present to you the Geekscape Guide To Surviving Comic-Con 2012:

Snacks and Water: This is a must have for anyone who is going…especially if you plan on going to Hall H, in which case you will probably want to double the amount of snacks and water you bring. Having snacks and water is important because 1) the food and drinks there aren’t cheap at Comic-Con, plus there’s that whole waiting in line for them part and 2) waiting in line for food/drinks cuts into the time you could be at panels…or more likely, in line for those panels.

Comfortable Shoes: Nothing is worse than when you’ve been walking all day and your feet are just killing you. That’s where comfortable shoes come in. I’m going to be wearing my Nike Free’s, they are like walking on a cloud. No seriously they are that comfortable. Get yourselves some comfortable shoes, no one wants to see you walking around barefoot like those girls you see in Vegas after a night of clubbing. Ewww no thank you.

Have a Plan of Action: There is a ton of shit to do and see at Comic-Con, so figure out what you want to do. Prioritize. If there’s a certain panel you want to see then you’d best figure out when/where it is and get there early. A big part of Comic-Con is the waiting in lines for the shit you want to see. So be prepared to wait. Also you should have a back up plan just in-case you can’t get into the panel you want to see. 

 Have Cash Handy: Sure, most everything takes plastic now-a-days but for those unforeseen events. I knew a guy once who went to Vegas for the weekend and the bank put a hold on his funds due to “suspicious activity” once he was there and wouldn’t you know it, he couldn’t get the hold lifted due to it being the weekend. Needless to say his weekend was ruined and his good time was not so good. Don’t be that guy at Comic-Con. Wouldn’t you hate to see that exclusive action figure get away from you because you didn’t have cash on you?

A Pack of Gum: Just because you’re a geek/nerd doesn’t mean you don’t care about having bad breath. I’m sure that artist and that hot Slave Leia you talk to will appreciate it. This is actually a good segway into the next item on the list…

Deodorant: That same artist and hot Slave Leia will also especially appreciate your not reeking of B.O. Anyone who has been to Comic-Con before knows that a big problem with having that many geeks in place is the massive stench of B.O. wafting through the air. Bantha fodder consisting of a dead Tauntaun carcass has a more pleasant odor. Do your part to help fight the plight of body odor. Just because you’re a geek/nerd doesn’t make it okay to smell bad. I’m actually contemplating bring a can of Axe body spray just to spray anyone who smells bad. Yeah, Axe is for douches but if you get sprayed with it it’s your own damn fault.

Phone Charger: This just goes without saying. Need I even give an explanation? I made the dumb move of forgetting my charger the first year I went and my phone died on me half-way through the day. There are a lot of memories that will forever remain only in my brain due to my blunder. You can bet your ass I wont make that mistake this time.

Emergen-C and Hand Sanitizer: Lots of people in one place equals buku germs. Take an Emergen-C first thing in the morning and the hand sanitizer as needed. You can thank me later.

Pain Meds: That much insanity in one place for five days is bound to give you a headache eventually. Now you’ll have something to fight your aches and pains with. Ta-da!

The Blood of Your First Born Child: …because something’s at Comic-Con are just worth it. Shhhh don’t ask, you’re better off not knowing.

Pace Yourself: This is maybe the most important thing on the list. Just know that you won’t be able to do it all. So pace yourself and don’t try to do it all. Remember, you’ve gotta make it to the finish line and that’s a five day trip.