The Geekscape Guide to Iron Man 2’s Easter Eggs

Alright, so everyone finally got to see Iron Man 2 over the weekend and couldn’t wait to run home and talk about the big extra scene after the credits. And what a cool scene it was, but that was the blatant and easy one. Iron Man 2 had a a few more shout outs to the rest of the Marvel movies in development and here’s a quick rundown.

***Spoilers Abound Below.***

#1 – The post credits reveal of Mjolnir. Not quite as good as the reveal of Sam Jackson as Nick Fury in Iron Man, but definitely a treat for those of us that can’t wait to see Thor on film, at least a Thor that isn’t fixing Elisabeth Shue’s car.


Mjolnir, Marvel’s taking it back. You hear that Halo?!

#2 – Another blatantly obvious one is Captain America’s shield. This was a bit overdone in my opinion, but what it does reveal is not only was Howard Stark a cofounder of SHIELD (As revealed by Nick Fury), he was designing Cap’s shield and may very well have been the man to discover Vibranium.

#3 – The storyline of Iron Man 2 is going on concurrently with that of Louis Letterier’s Hulk film. If you keep your eyes peeled to a news story running on a background TV set, you’ll see that it’s the same news story outlining the Hulk’s path of destruction that plays during the most recent Hulk film. So it looks like the post-credits scene in Hulk, when Tony talks to General Ross about the Avengers initiative, takes place AFTER the events in Iron Man 2, once Tony has been made a consultant to S.H.I.E.L.D in Iron Man 2.

#4 – Speaking of Vibranium, when Tony is being interviewed in a SHIELD command center about joining the Avengers Initiative (just seeing that on film made my day) there is a world map in the background with other possible candidates locations. There were several markers on the US portion of the map and one near the region of Scandanavia, which we’re assuming could be Pietro and Wanda Maximoff (Though there could be rights issues as they also appeared on Stryker’s list in X2, we’re leaning toward it possibly being just the Scarlett Witch as she is more well known as an Avenger). New Mexico is circled  designating the landing place of Mjolnir. There’s a circle around New York (The Hulk… considering Iron Man 2 is going on concurrently with the last Hulk film ) and the Atlantic (Cap on ice? Fox owns the rights to Namor under the Fantastic Four deal). The most prominent marker is the only one placed on Africa. The fictional country of Wakanda to be exact, home of the Black Panther. Yay! As Bibbiani points out, “They’ll need a black guy in the cast.” Too bad film rights issues are going to keep him single.

Black Panther King of Wakanda

“Five will get you ten I’m played by the kid from Stomp the Yard”

#5 – Fin Fang Foom! You had to keep your eyes peeled for this one, because it was really quick, but artwork of Fin Fang Foom was on a billboard that Tony flies by. I’m pretty sure I caught it at the end. Super Robot Mayhem was tipped off early about the Easter egg and talked about it with lead concept artist Adi Granov spilled the beans. “This was my design for Fin Fang Foom for the Iron Man Viva Las Vegas book I was doing with Jon Favreau. But this image in particular was done for the IM movie and used as a billboard in one of the scenes where Iron Man flies past it. It’s very quick, but Jon wanted to have a kind of a cool easter egg in there.”

Fin Fang Foom concept art

Fin Fang Foom as Final Fantasy Summon?!

#6 – Some Marvel comics pop up in the film. In the box of Howard Stark’s things rests a copy of Captain America #1!

#7 – It’s a Marvel movie, so you knew Stan Lee was going to pop up, and kudos to Jon Faverau for handling the Stan Lee cameo in a creative way yet again. As Tony is being ushered out of Stark Expo, Stan is introduced as Larry King. In the Iron Man films he’s now been Hugh Hefner and Larry King. The suspenders FTW.

Deleted Scenes!

We already noticed two scenes that will potentially be on the dvd extras.

#1 – A trailer for Iron Man had a brief view of Natasha Romanoff using the Iron Man repulsor gauntlets, that apparently didn’t make the final cut. Where’s our scene of ScarJo blowing shit up?

“Really? Ryan Reynolds? No shit?”

#2 – The scene where Iron Man jumps out of a plane originally had Pepper Potts in it giving the Iron Man helmet a smooch for good luck. Personally I liked that version better. Here’s the trailer that featured that scene heavily.

#3 – This is just rumor and speculation, but apparently there is a bunch of footage of nerd girl du-jore Olivia Munn that didn’t make the final cut of the film. Her role in the final movie was just a brief cameo as a reporter. (Editor’s note: Munn’s original footage was cut and redone during reshoots after the film had started to come together in editing. Maybe we’ll see it in the DVD!)