Tecmo Koei and Nintendo Bring ‘Hyrule Warriors’ To The Wii U!

When gamers thought of the first original Legend of Zelda coming to the Wii U, it was safe to assume that it was the big project that was teased a few E3’s ago. The last thing that anyone expected was a Koei Tecmo developed hack and slash, but I’d be lying if I said that the reveal of Hyrule Warriors wasn’t a welcomed surprised.

Taking place in the Zelda universe with the army wrecking action of the long running Dynasty Warriors franchise, Hyrule Warriors shows off Link in a way we’ve never seen him before. Huge, sweeping attacks that hit hundreds of enemies at once, rapid fire bombs, using the fire rod to wipe out surrounding hoards… this is a battle ready Link that fits perfectly within the new game play style.

Seemingly borrowing a visual style similar to Skyward Sword with locales and enemies pulled from games like Ocarina of Time, it looks like Warriors is looking to be a love letter to longtime fans. What’s yet to be seen is whether or not characters other than Link will be playable. Knowing how Dynasty Warriors is famous for dozens of characters to use, don’t be surprised of other series favorites make an appearance.

I love the Zelda franchise, but I’ve always felt like DW was too repetitive for my tastes. With Hyrule Warriors though, it looks like it’s the best chance to breathe fresh life into both franchises and finally bring those like me into the Koei Tecmo fold.

Check out Link in action in the game’s reveal trailer! Hyrule Warriors will get its release, (and a new name,) in 2014.