Teabag Prevention: How to Suck Less at Halo Week #13 – MOAR Equipment

This week, we continue with the Equipment Series with the Gravity Lift and the Power Drainer.


GRAV LIFT(Duration – 30 Seconds)



The Gravity Lift is a lifesaver of many flavors. One of its flavors tastes like the ability to divert a fast-moving vehicle before it’s too late.

When being pursued by an enemy vehicle you can quickly use the gravity lift to make the enemy fly over your head as if they were a banshee. This will leave your opponent feeling like they’ve just been roofied, which gives you plenty of chance to take advantage of their vulnerability. Fire away my friend. Fire away. We regret that refererence wholeheartedly.


Obviously, this tactic will only work with vehicles that don’t already fly. Once used, you turn what someone thought was going to be a hit-n-run into a fly-n-die.


Tip #2 – THE TRAP

The Gravity Lift may also do trap and disorient an enemy on foot. iIn order to either trap them or throw off their accuracy, here’s what to do:

When you’re in a room with a low ceiling and an enemy is heading towards you, quickly deploy a Grav Lift and soon enough you’ll see your very own Marry-Poppins. Kill Marry Poppins.

This also works outside, as a Grav Lift is unexpected from your enemy as a defensive tactic and it will throw off their accuracy during a chase or a battle.

If you are ever dumb enough to be caught in these traps, simply use a grenade to destroy the Grav Lift. Throw it down and it should be taken care of.

Note: Use a Frag Grenade. Using a Plasma Grenade is very risky, because many have been known to just give themselves homemade, ‘splodin butt plugs.


Tip #3 – GET ‘EM HIGH

So obviously the Grav Lift can lift you to higher places and get to mom’s cookie jar. Also, try using the Grav Lift to get a vehicle to a higher area to reach a goal or a shooting spot.



Doing this with a vehicle does take a higher level of skill, so if you are under intense heat just use the lift for a getaway – or use it to find a better sniping position that you wouldn’t normally be able to get to.


Power Drainer (8 to 10 Seconds)


Ah, the Power Drainer. How Annoying is this weapon? This isn’t something you want to become friends with unless you are the perfected user. It takes out an enemys shield just about instantly so fire away at them or use a combination of a grenade so that the life-sucking aura around the drainer is destroyed as well as the enemy. Be careful not to get caught in it yourself – otherwise you may end up the person with the life sucked out of you. Insert ex-girlfriend joke here.



You can also use the Power Drain to mark your territory. If you want to get to a certain spot, but can’t do so before some of your enemies. Set up a Power Drainer so that if they want to get to it, they’ll have to deal with metal through their skulls.

Let’s say you’re gunnin’ for a brand new Sniper Rifle: throw a Power Drain in the direction of the weapon to divert the opponent away from it. Throw a grenade at the Drainer to destroy it instantly and then gingerly walk over and grab your prize.


Tip #6 – DRAIN YOU

Furthermore, the Power drainer is superbly effective against all vehicles. It stops them for five seconds as well as taking away your enemy’s shield. So as soon as you disable a vehicle with a Power Drainer you should fire away at the vehicle. You may then make your getaway in their vehicle and go off to kill some bitches. See? Who needs GTA IV?

Warning: the weapons system still works on vehicles even when they are disable by a Power Drainer, so make sure those using the weapons on the vehicles (for example, the guy using the turret on a Warthog) are taken out first because obviously the driver isnt going anywhere.


Things to Remember:

1. The Grav Lift can be used for more than just getting high. To high. Places. You know.

2. The Grav Lift can divert all ground-based vehicles, but that doesn’t mean you can challenge tank with a Grav Lift. Unless you’re having a bad day. If that’s the case, go for it, Champ.

3. The Power Drainer stops any vehicle and makes anyone an easy target, including you.

4. The explosion that follows the Power Drainer’s release can kill. Watch it.

5. Use the Power Drain to mark your territory, or to set up a mini holocaust.


This week’s Teabag Prevention article was written by:




This week’s Teabag Prevention article, as always, was edited by:



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