Jason Statham

Geekscape Interviews: Dominik Garcia-Lorido, star of ‘Wild Card’

On torture, revenge, and her dream future roles.

‘Parker’ Gets A Poster!

Jason Statham and Jennifer Lopez star in Taylor Hackford’s upcoming crime thriller. Check out this cool poster!

Geekscape Movie Reviews: The Expendables 2

The Muscles from Brussels vs. The Italian Stallone, plus other badasses, finally makes its way to theatres. Is it all it should be?

Winona Ryder In Talks To Join Statham And Franco In ‘Homefront’!

Oh, did we mention that this movie is written by Sylvester Stallone?

New ‘Expendables 2’ “Payback” TV Spot!

“You’ve been back enough!”

Geekscape Games: ‘The Expendables 2’ Gameplay Looks Great! Sike.

This is one game you won’t want to pre-order.

The Official “Expendables 2” Trailer Is Out And It Blows Things Up!

Jonathan might just lose his mind with all of this explosive testosterone-laced ridiculousness!

Check Out These New “Expendables 2” Character Posters! Willis! JCVD! Arnold!

Character shots for the biggest ensemble movie this summer! What? You were thinking of The Avengers!?!