Arkham Asylum

Geekscape Interviews: Kevin Conroy of ‘Batman’ Is the Man Who Laughs in ‘Turbo FAST’

The dark knight lightens up.

We Totally Recalled It! The Geekscapepod For August 4th, 2012!

It’s time to take on the Total Recall remake, update the Marvel Now! roster and drop some news on your heads (in style)!

Paul Dini Is Not Scripting The Rocksteady Follow Up To ‘Arkham City’

It seems like the ‘Arkham Asylum’ and ‘Arkham City’ writer would love to but hasn’t been asked back!

After The Dark Knight Rises, What’s Next For Batman?

So Christopher Nolan has finished his Batman saga with this past weekend’s release of  The Dark Knight Rises, […]

Rocksteady To Develop A ‘Justice League’ Game

The developers behind the critically acclaimed ‘Arkham Asylum’ and ‘Arkham City’ may have another DC project in the works.