Super Hero Showdown: Boba Fett vs. Samus Aran

Boba Fett’s Slave 1 ship blasts through an asteroid field, weaving through the hailstorm of moon sized sediment. Cosmic radiation and electricity illuminate, if only for brief moments, the hellish obstacle course.
Boba Fett, sits calmly at the controls. He operates the ship with relative ease-
A large blast of cosmic energy erupts directly in front of the Slave 1 ship. Boba grips up on the controls. He checks his instruments, “This can’t be right…”
A large wormhole tears open the fabric of time, space, and reality. A bright, white light fills the cockpit momentarily blinding Boba Fett-
The Gunship of one Samus Aran shoots through the worm hole. It spirals into the Slave 1.
Samus braces herself inside the cockpit of the Gunship. Red warning lights blare and strobe.
The Gunship careens head long into Slave 1. Boba Fett, at the last possible second, jerks Slave 1 to the right, barely avoiding a fatal collision.

Samus, regaining her equilibrium, retakes control of her ship but her moment of composure is short lived-

Boba Fett fires a proton torpedo.

The explosion is massive. The Gunship’s shield barely keeps it in one piece. The Gunship hurtles towards an unknown moon. It’s pilot unconscious. Slave 1 trailing, “This isn’t over.”


Welcome ladies and gentlemen to the first edition of Super Hero Showdown! I’m your host, Nick Gregorio, and I’m joined by my dear friend Dan Hale who is providing the wonderful art for this piece. As you might already have guessed, Super Hero Showdown pits two of the biggest and baddest heroes and villains from comics, movies, games and TV against one another in a gruesome and grizzly fight to the death.  

That’s right folks, we will pull no punches and deliver to you in as many words and images as necessary the definitive (according to us) winner of each bout.

This weeks combatants – as so eloquently established by myself in the opening paragraphs – are none other than Boba Fett and Samus. We figured it would be a fitting match-up considering the release of Metroid Other M and the recent announcement of Star Wars on Blu Ray disc, not to mention every geek on the surface of this planet would be salivating over this bounty-hunter-brawl-for-all. Enough with the long-winded loquaciousness, let’s see the tale of the tape:

Samus Aran, Bounty Hunter
Her family decimated by alien pirates, Samus was orphaned and raised by a bird like species who reinforced her DNA and gave her an ancient battle armor. She explores the galaxy searching out and destroying those same pirates for the Galactic Federation Police.

Her armor is extremely protective, advanced, and upgradeable. Her suits right arm is literally a canon that fires plasma blasts, rockets, and an energy whip.

To put it mildly she is a one woman army, battle tested, and cagey.

Boba Fett, Bounty Hunter
Bobba is the clone/son of Jengo Fett, a galaxy famous bounty hunter, who was decapitated by the Jedi Knight Mace Windu. Boba Fett’s DNA was modified by his father during the cloning process. He genetically has many of his father’s skills but was hardened by fending for himself at such a young age. Boba eventually grew into the bounty hunter so good that Darth Vader hired him to capture Han Solo and guess what? He did.

Boba Fett wears Madolorian Armor, a light weight, high impact body armor. A Helmet and armored plates protect vital areas and the base flight suit is the equivalent of space aged Kevlar. His armor is outfitted with simple dart shooters, grappling wires, a wrist-mounted rocket launcher and a flamethrower. Boba Fett also has a Jet pack and a whole slew of other gadgets in his utility pouches.

Boba is a cold blooded killer and will do what ever it takes to get his bounty – That’s exactly what you would expect from a guy who watched his father/clone donor get decapitated by a Jedi at the tender age of 9.


Boba Fett steps off of Slave 1’s loading ramp, his blaster at the ready. Samus’s Gunship is severely damaged, smoldering in a crater. Boba approaches the hatch to the Gunship, blaster trained on the door. He slowly lowers his weapon-

A blast of plasma energy bursts from the smoking hatch. Boba dive-rolls to dodge the attack. Never one to be caught off guard, He quickly returns fire. Samus tears from her ship. The blaster shots bounce off her armor.

Boba Fett, realizing he’s outmatched, blasts off with his jet pack, keeping a safe distance and gaining the higher ground at the same time. Samus strafes him, unloading a barrage of canon blasts.

Boba whips himself away from the assault. He fires his Jet pack mounted rocket-

The rocket comes racing at Samus. She curls up into a morph ball and speeds away. The rocket violently explodes against the surface of the moon.

The tension is ever increasing. Who will be victorious and who will die a brutal death? Well geekdom, let’s look at things realistically. Samus has arguably one of the strongest armors in all of fiction and Boba Fett is running around in a Kevlar flight suit. No disrespect to Boba Fett but he’s out classed and out matched. The only thing that’s keeping him in this fight is his killer instinct. Samus, although a bounty hunter, is a noble hero and Boba is a win at all cost merc.

Okay enough speculation, let’s get back to the action.

Samus, frustrated with the cat and mouse game, comes charging at the flying Boba Fett. Trading blaster and plasma canon shots, Boba’s jet pack can’t take much more. Samus hooks Boba Fett with her grappling hook/laser whip and pulls him in for the kill.

Boba Fett, realizing this is the end, reaches into a utility pouch. Samus pulls him ever closer but for some strange reason he isn’t resisting. If Samus could see through the tinted glass of Boba’s helmet she would see that he is smiling. Before she even realizes what’s in Boba hand the blast goes off.

Big, that’s the only way to describe this explosion. The mushroom cloud plums from the service of the moon like a solar flare. It takes a long while but the smoke finally clears.

Samus slowly makes her way to her feet. Her armor is badly damaged, probably the worst shape she’s ever seen it in. She’s in a great deal of pain… but Boba Fett, along with Slave 1 and the Gunship are nothing but ash. Samus has won the battle… now how the hell is she going to get off of this God forsaken rock?

Bout Duration 00:01:45:11 Boba Fett incinerated by his own tactical nuclear device. Samus Aran, victorious but badly damaged.  

Not even Boba Fett’s last ditch Kamikaze effort could win him the day. Samus is the victor, but what is the prize? More importantly why are they fighting? All these questions and more will be answered in the next episode of Super Hero Showdown!