‘Star Wars: Episode VII’ Director May Be Revealed Next Month

Ever since the announcement that Walt Disney Pictures announced in October that they havead acquired LucasFilm and a new Star Wars trilogy would be coming to theaters, there has been quite a bit of speculation as to who would direct the films all over the place. Plenty of names had been tied to the project but many have come out and denied their actually involvement with the highly anticipated next installment in the franchise.

While speaking with ABC News Radio, LucasFilm President and executive producer Kathleen Kennedy offered up a brief update on the status of the film:

“I have no immediate update, but hopefully in January I’have something that I can say.”

It’s completely possible that in Januray we will be getting an announcement regarding the director and possibly even some casting announcements. Kennedy also confirmed that pre-production will begin sometime in the Spring of 2013.

Star Wars: Episode VII is currently looking at a 2015 release date.

Source: ComicBook.com