Stan Lee Issues A Statement Addressing Recent Health Concerns

Following reports of several cancelled upcoming appearances due to, “a very serious circumstance”, many had worried that we would be losing the beloved Lee. Worry not true believers, Stan has released the following statement in which he confirms that he is in fact perfectly fine and definitely in good spirits after having a pacemaker fitted “in an effort to be more like fellow Avenger, Tony Stark”.

Attention, Troops!

This is a dispatch sent from your beloved Generalissimo, directly from the center of Hollywood’s combat zone!

Now hear this! Your leader hath not deserted thee! In an effort to be more like my fellow Avenger, Tony Stark, I have had an electronic pace-maker placed near my heart to insure that I’ll be able to lead thee for another 90 years.

But fear thee not, my valiant warriors. I am in constant touch with our commanders in the field and victory shall soon be ours. Now I must end this dispatch and join my troops, for an army without a leader is like a day without a cameo!

Excelsior! From all of us over here at Geekscape, get well soon Stan.