Stack Attack #4

This was a really tough week.  Not only was I hit with 2 really good books, but I also had a hard time selecting a Worst pick.  Every book was enjoyable, which I suppose makes for a good week.  With that said, I’m going to do something unprecedented.  I’m going to review the other book I really enjoyed as if it was the worst of the week.  Did I just blow your mind?  If so, I apologize. I’ll clean up the pieces once you’re done reading this. 

Also, I have a treat for you guys this week.  The esteemed loyal Geekscape fan BigYanks has honored me with his own Haiku Review of Back to Brooklyn #1, which you can find at the end of this article.

BEST: Captain America #42

I have a firm belief in a higher power.  That higher power is Ed Brubaker.  We’ve been following Bucky through his ascension into “Cap-hood” for roughly a year on what will inevitably be a legendary story.  So rarely does a character’s death (Cap’s, that is) spawn such glory. 

This particular issue is the finale to act 3 of Brubaker’s tale.  We’re dropped right into a great wrap-up in which we get to watch Bucky throw his life on the line, mimicking his hero/predecessor Steve Rogers in a way that would make him tear up if he weren’t rotting on the ocean floor (harsh?…neh).  Sharon is finally rescued and seeds are planted for her character that I’m sure will play out in the near future.  And last but not least, we are treated to a last page that made me laugh uncontrollably for at least 30 seconds.  I won’t spoil it in case, for some ungodly reason, you haven’t read this book yet. 

Let me just say that this was an example of a perfect ending.  Everything is wrapped up, seeds are planted for the future, and of course, there is a fantastic final page.

WORST: Back To Brooklyn #1 (Actually, the other best)

Ugh, this book was awful.  I should’ve known it was going to suck when I saw the creative team.  Garth Ennis?  I mean really.  He’s most certainly not a comics genius at all.  The fact that he’s teamed up with Palmiotti just makes it even worse.  This first issue drops us immediately into a tense, thrilling situation.  Who the fuck would want that?  I like my stories the way God intended: long and fucking drawn out. They could’ve spent at least five, maybe even six issues having the FBI agent and the NYPD officer arguing about what to do.  Looks like Ennis needs to read more Marvel.

On top of that, we get classic Ennis debauchery, which I know – for a fact – everyone hates.  I’m pretty sure that obscene series he had in Vertigo got cancelled after a few issues  sucked and I have no doubt that this one will be no different. You should absolutely NOT not read Back To Brooklyn if you want high stakes crime action with a classic Ennis twist.  ABSOLUTELY NOT.

Obviously Bigyanks has horrible taste in comics and submitted this brilliant haiku review:

Brothers betrayal

Families are at stake

MUST get back to Brooklyn.

Editor’s Note: Looks like BigYanks needs to learn to count syllables! Back to the drawing board, big guy! Come back next week for your next dose of Stack Attack and a review from Brian Gilmore in Shakespearean Iambic Pentameter… we hope.