‘Skylanders: Swap Force’ Wii U Bundle Surfaces; Includes Gold Swash Buckler!

It looks like Nintendo finally found something to do with all of those Basic Wii U models.

This morning, Nintendo dropped a welcomed surprise, when it was announced that they were teaming up with Activision to bring us the Skylanders: Swap Force Wii U bundle.

Arriving on November 15th, the package comes with a Swap Force starter pack, complete with Ninja Stealth Elf, Swash Buckler and Blast-Zone, the Portal of Power and the software itself. If that wasn’t enough, the package also includes exclusive Skylanders posters, trading cards stickers, and a copy of Nintendoland. That’s two games, one of which is a full starter set, for the same price as the standard Deluxe bundle, for an MSRP of $299. A great deal by any standards.

This is the part where collectors should pay attention, because that Swash Buckler that usually comes with the Starter Pack? Well, this Wii U bundle comes with a special gold colored version, which as of now, will only be included with this deal. I know a couple of collectors who would buy a Wii U just for that figure. Skylanders collectors are hardcore, man.

Nintendo seems serious about staging a comeback for the Wii U this holiday season. First, the Zelda bundle hit in late September, bundled with an early digital copy of the Gamecube classic, Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, the Hyrule Historia book and an exclusive designed Game Pad drove sales. Then, a few days ago, Nintendo announced an upcoming Mario bundle, coming packaged with New Super Mario Bros. U and New Super Luigi U on November 1st. Little did we know that the biggest bundle yet was yet to come, but of course, the only catch is the console itself is the basic model. Good for those who want a white console, bad for those who want to download more than two games during the system’s life. Oh well, there’s always external storage.

Will this third party team up between one of the hottest holiday items and the struggling Wii successor  be enough to move units this holiday? There’s plenty of potential, since nagging kids plus a low price point compared to the competition can equal eager parents, not to mention the collectors. Oh… the collectors. Tell us how you think this will affect sales this holiday season below.