‘Rock Band VR’ Is Coming To Oculus Next Year!

Briefly: Another incredibly unexpected announcement from last night’s The Game Awards.

Harmonix’ Rock Band 4 just launched a couple of months back, and while I’d imagine we’ll see years of support for the title, the developer has already set their sights on the next big paradigm shift in video games: virtual reality.

Yep, Harmonix revealed Rock Band VR as an Oculus exclusive for next year, and it almost looks like a far more cartoony, yet far more interactive take on this year’s (phenomenalGuitar Hero Live.

I’m already incredibly excited for Oculus to get its consumer release (I swear, it’s going to be the release that finally has me building a gaming PC), and just the idea of playing Rock Band in a virtual reality worlds gets my loins ‘a burnin’.

Take a look at the world premiere video below, and be sure to let us know what you think!