Asim Ahmad Cast As Professor Michael Morbius In ‘The Amazing Spider-Man’ Sequel

It seems that another character from Peter Parker’s universe will be joining him on screen in the sequel to The Amazing Spider-Man. According to the website of actor and stuntman Asim Ahmad, he has signed on to join the cast of the film in a supporting role as Professor Michael Morbius.

He apparently has also confirmed this news to writer Joe Keatinge, the writer behind the new ongoing Morbius: The Living Vampire series. The actor has had small roles in a numbver of films such as Inception, The Dark Knight Rises, The Expendables 2 and will also be appearing in next year’s Star Trek Into Darkness.

While the actor has signed on for the role of Morbius, this does not mean he will be transforming into a vampire in the film. As he has stated, it’s a supporting role and if you played the movie tie-in video game you would know that Morbius is an employee of Oscorp. We will be sure to keep you updated as more details arise.

Source: Asim Ahmad