Praise The Gods! Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate Is Coming To The West In 2015!

That’s right my fellow Hunters, the much anticipated Monster Hunter 4 is getting an Ultimate release in the West! The series head producer Ryozo Tsujimoto outlines it all below!

If you’re new to the whole Monster Hunter series let me bring you up to speed. Monster Hunter is one of the biggest franchises Capcom has, and has become one of the must have titles for the portable market. It takes place in a fantasy world where players, well hunt monsters. The big attraction to the game is the sheer size of some of the beasts you fight. It also forces players to rely on their skills and not an arbitrary leveling system. If you’re a pro hunter you can kill some high rank monsters with starting rank gear. Repeating hunts over and over again in the hopes of getting those rare drops from the monsters never feels like work, the grind is very enjoyable.

You can get your hands on Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate sometime in 2015 for the Nintendo 3DS. Chances are a WiiU release will be quickly following.