APRIL FOOLS! Pokemon: The Live Action Movie Officially Announced

This was an April Fools joke… but it still would have made a better movie than the live action Avatar: The Last Airbender film!

Today WB Studios was finally able to talk about the rumor that has been buzzing for months. They will be releasing a live action feature length film based in the Pokemon universe.

A WB spokesperson said today at the press conference

We wan’t to give the fans what they want. We’ve been listening to the outcry for a live action version and all the suggestions. We feel that ANY Pokemon fan of ANY age will love this film

The film is set to be directed and written by M. Night Shyamalan. WB representatives said

We have always been impressed by M. Night’s ability to weave a coherent story line and leave the audience shocked by his classic twist endings.

Also during the press conference the leading cast had been announced. The lead role of Ash Ketchum will be played by Joe Jonas. The voice actor who will be playing the role of Ash’s Pikachu, Pikachu, was hand picked by M. Night himself. Vin Diesel will take up the role of the electric mouse as Joe Jonas’ sidekick. When asked M. Night said

I have always been in love with Vin Diesels voice. After hearing his role as the Iron Giant I feel that he could easily voice act in ANY children’s movie. His soothing child like tone will be perfect for the small Pikachu.

Set to play the role of Brock, the first gym leader Ash encounters in the story, will be Zachary Quinto. M. Night said his emotional and power role as Spock was his decision to cast Quinto has the emotional Brock.

Lastly, the role of Misty will be played by Lindsey Lohan. The studio said they want a “spicy rambunctious redhead” to play the role of the spunky counterpart to Ash.

Check out the teaser trailer click here.