Nintendo Throws Kick Ass Launch Party for Rhythm Heaven Fever!

To celebrate the release of Rhythm Heaven Fever, (or to commemorate the fact that the Wii was actually getting a new game,) the great guys and gals at Nintendo and IAm8Bit invited a group of lucky gamers to test out their ability to keep up the beat while being hindered by tons of free food and liquor.

The Event Was a Big Success!

Following the success of the the DS hit from the creators of WarioWare, Rhythm Heaven Fever features more ridiculous mini games, all of which involve keeping the beat with the catchy in game music. The tunes make the game stand out, making activities such as kicking soccer balls seem like the most amazing thing you’ll ever do ever. It’s funny how a game that uses only two buttons manages to be so fun, leaving a smile on my face long after the event was over. And no, it wasn’t the alcohol. I don’t even drink!

As usual, the IAm8Bit crew went all out, featuring video and photo booths, plenty of Rhythm Heaven inspired decorations, kick ass headphones and some awesome plushies that I was tempted to steal. Luckily, my sticky fingers were occupied by the free swag given out, like this awesome Rhythm Heaven shirt.

Rhythm Heaven Fever is in stores now, and from what I’ve played, it’s the bees knees. And no, I’m not saying that because of the free stuff. Or the free food. Or the free beers for my friends. I swear!

Check out the festivites in the video below, including the hottie at about 30 seconds in. Whoever nabbed her is a lucky guy! (Hint: that’s my wife.)