New ‘Dying Light’ Gameplay Video Shows What Happens After Dark

Briefly: Techland has debuted another Dying Light gameplay video, this time focussing on all of the terrible things that can (and do) happen after the Sun goes down.

It’s easy to see from this new video (and the previously released ones) that this game is coming together nicely. I was a big fan of Techland’s previous effort, Dead Island, and Dying Light is currently one of my most anticipated titles of 2014.

Slow, apathetic, and easily visible, the infected are not much of a threat in daylight. A skilled courier, sure of their parkour skills and smart enough not to engage in combat with too many enemies, can effortlessly avoid larger groups of the infected or escape beyond their reach. But this relatively safe state of affairs is turned upside down as the sun sets!


At night, it is you who is at a disadvantage. Without daylight, the senses of the infected become more acute while their thirst for human flesh skyrockets. They run, jump, and climb, so there is really no place where you are safe anymore. They grow in strength, which means fighting them is not even an option. Those of them who were too afraid of light to come out during the day now swarm the city hunting for you. Still, there is something even worse lurking in the shadows…

Sounds creepy, right? Take a look at the newest video below, and let us know if you’re excited! Dying Light is set to release sometime in 2014!