New Comics 1-26-09

After a bit of a hiatus STACK ATTACK! is back, Jack.  How cool was that opening line?  I hope everyone liked my Comics Retrospective.  Forgive me for getting sappy. This week I am back to my old not-so-witty antics.  To bring everyone up to speed, I just moved to Hollywood.  Bright lights and all that jazz aside, I’m fitting in well.  I got to kick it with my homie, Jon London, and bust out a super-fresh episode of Geekscape.  Check that out when you get the chance. Now, without further adieu, it’s time to rip through some of the latest and lamest in the comic book world.

Batman #685: Faces of Evil, Catwoman; Umbrella Academy #3; New Avengers #
Batman #685
Paul Dini – Words  
Dustin Nguyen & Derek Fridolfs – Art
I was duped by the dubious cover art.  How many times has a gorgeous rendering done by Alex Ross tricked me into buying a sub-par comic book? I can’t say because I left my collection back east, but I have to imagine a lot.  The issue opens up in the jungle somewhere and Catwoman is up to her usual, save the animals, bullshit.  She’s working with a group of poachers (I wonder if she’ll end up betraying them?) who captured Bruce Wayne.  Wait, Bruce Wayne, the civilian identity of Batman?  Yeah, that Bruce Wayne, or is it?  The art is whack.  It’s hard to follow the story.  There’s a few twists that are as exciting as licking a D battery.  Totally not worth the purchase.  Dini just doesn’t do it for Nicky.
Umbrella Academy #3 
Gerard Way – Words
Gabriel Bá – Art 
I am really feeling this book. You will not find a quicker, more action packed read than this series. Number five, the little kid assassin, drops his origin on his sister and the reader and let me tell: you shit is wacky! You also get the origins of the extra creepy giant headed hit-men, Hazel and Cha Cha. Death, murder, and mayhem pave the bloody trail to a for-serious throw down.  This issue also delivers one of the best quotes I’ve ever heard. “It’s always a longer walk to the men’s room.” Figure that out and you got life figured out.
New Avengers #49  
Brian Bendis – Words
Billy Tan – Art
“Where is my baby?” That was the last thing one unlucky Skrull heard right before Matt Gargin ate him! I love the pacing for this issue but I still hate Luke Cage. He’s not cool. He never will be cool. Bendis loves pushing him on his readers. I don’t really like the New Avengers all that much. The team is pretty whack and I hope they get demolished by the Dark Avengers. This issue, with my Avengers problem aside, is a very good read. There’s action and drama and it ties in well with the Dark Avengers book. Oh, one more gripe just came to mind: can someone please put Hawkeye back in his Hawkeye costume and get rid of that Ronin garbage? The Ronin costume looks like a bootlegged ninja action figure your grandmother picked up for you at a yard sale. “You like ninjas, right honey?” Yeah, I do, just not ones that suck. Pick this book up nerds, and you’ll enjoy the read.
I would be reviewing the final issue of Final Crisis, but I missed it at the comic shop.  Speaking of comic shops, Jon hooked me up with an LA spot, DJ’s Universal Comics.  Great place to grab toys or comics or both and their selection is sick (especially in the toy department.)
Until next week we’ll have fun, fun, fun till her daddy takes her T-bird away… get it… The Beach Boys… California… and stuff.
-Nick Gregorio
STOP THE PRESSES! I was able to track down a copy of Final Crisis #7. Grant Morrison on words, J.G. Jones on art. This was one heck of a finale. I know I’ve had some problems with this series and at times it was confusing and a bit broken in the visual story telling, but it ended in grand fashion. This is a must read issue that sums up and makes sense of the previous 6. Superman is the hero to end all heroes and Batman is a legend. This story cements that. Welcome back Barry Allen and look out for the last page. I have my theories but I’ll address them later!