New Comic Book Day 12-3-2008

The name of the game is fun. This weeks line-up is why i love comics. I had a blast reading every issue and, let me tell you, I had to restrain myself from buying more books. Sit tight for the run down of a rip roaring regiment of ridiculous conclusions, raucous rotting robots, random relaunches, riotous, rib-splitting humor, and Batman.

Batman #682, the Amazing Spider-man #579, Marvel Zombies 3 #3, Spawn #185: Endgame, Secret Invasion #8


Batman #682 Last Rites
Grant Morrison – Words
Lee Garbett – Art

Grant Morrison is on the long road to redemption and Batman #682 is a step in the right direction. Morrison found a way to condense years of Bat-lore into one, very strong, stand alone issue… or is it? What seems like a nostalgic run-down of Batman’s relationship with Alfred, DickGrayson, and his vocation (crime fighting) turns out to be something far more sinister.

A montage of events – akin to the opening of the departed – takes Batman to his current position in the DC universe. I don’t want to spoil this finish, but I will say this issue’s Finale leaves the Caped Crusader in Crisis.

the Amazing Spider-man #579
Mark Waid – Words
Marcos Martin – Art

I’ve been a little hard on the ol’ web-swinger as of late – maybe it’s my bitter, cynicism that won’t allow me to enjoy his playful nature – but this week we had fun together. It could have been the the eye-catching cover art, or the gorgeous interiors, or the fact that I was reading it on a Saturday morning, or, maybe even, MarkWaid’s writing, but, man, I really enjoyed this issue. It was classic – I know, jerk, I’ve faulted the series for being too classical – but something about this issue took me back to the days of the Spider-man cartoon. There was excitement, and action, and Peter using his wits when everyone else was panicking.

Martin’s art on this book is really something to see. Spider-man hasn’t looked this good – almost pure – in a long time.


Marvel Zombies 3 #3
Fred Van Lente – Words
Kev Walker – Art

I deem thee “The Week of Contradiction”. I was disappointed with Marvel Zombies 2. I was disappointed by issue #1 and most of issue #2 of Marvel Zombies 3. Issue #3 is awesome. Yes, the same Marvel Zombies problems are there, talking Zombies and camp out-the-wazoo, but you’re too damn entertained to care. Machine-man is a one-man-appliance of death. He has more moving parts than a RonPopeil invention. He slices. He dices. He melts zombies’ faces off with laser guns.

With all the ass-kicking going on this issue, Machine man shouldn’t have a problem saving the un-zombified Marvel U from outbreak… right?



Spawn #185: Endgame
Todd McFarlane and Brian HolguinWords
Whilce Portacio – Art

Todd Mcfarlane is a dick. His toys look great but are as fun to play with as your great aunt’s porcelain clown collection. He hasn’t done anything in comics “for, like, ever”. He’s pompous and loves throwing his name on everything. He also bought MarkMcguire’s home-run ball. When I heard he was tackling Spawn again I thought, “McFarlane’s a dick.”

Some people have a special place in their hearts for 90’s comic books. They treasure the adventures they shared with Spawn, Violator, andMalbolgia , but, let’s face it people, nothing good has come from Spawn since the 1997 cinematic classic – they call that sarcasm. It’s hard to pick-up in print.

I gave Spawn: Endgame a chance. I wasn’t blown away. It was my least favorite book of the week. It did peak my interest. Portacio’s art is spot on. Not very much happens in this issue, but, there is a twist at the end that will leave most Spawn fans with a raised eyebrow. The great ToddMcfarlane digitally inked the book. I think that means he turned up the contrast in photoshop (ROUND OF APPLAUSE).


Pick of the Week: Secret Invasion #8
Brian Michale Bendis – Words
Leinil Yu – Art

They did it. They did it. They did it. Yes, Dora, there is a Santa Clause… er.. definitive ending to Secret Invasion. Bendis and Yu pulled it off. They delivered on their big ticket, prize fight, throw down, cross over of the year. The series had a bit of a slow start, but this final issue capped everything off nicely.

My only gripe with this final issue is how cleanly everything was wrapped up. There was only one real casualty from the battle, after everything was said and done. The ending was a good twist and I really didn’t see it coming. Dark Reign, the follow up to Secret Invasion, is going to be an interesting and exciting series. Alex Maleev is coming on as artist and teaming up with his former Dare Devil pal, Brian Bendis.

This review could be spoiler laden but I’ll leave it up to you, the reader, to experience the drastic change in the Marvel U.

Until next time, geekscapists: Kiss a little longer. Laugh a little longer. Hold tight a little longer because you never know when the one you love ends up being aSkrull sleeper agent… or something like that.

-Nick Gregorio