New ‘Bioshock Infinite: Burial At Sea’ Promo Has Irrational Team Members Sharing Their Favourite Moments

Briefly: Ken Levine surprised all of us last month when he announced the closure of the acclaimed Irrational Games.

Irrational’s last project, the closing chapter to the Bioshock Infinite story DLC, Burial at Sea, will launch on March 25th (and I’m really looking forward to it). Irrational today launched a new promo for the chapter, which has (now ex) team members sharing their favourite moments of working on the DLC.

It’s a touching video, and many of the developers look truly heartbroken to be participating in what is basically a ‘looking for work’ ad. I sure hope that each and every one of them finds a new home soon.

Take a look at the promo below, and let us know if you’re looking forward to the DLC.