Mount & Blade Devs Want You To Meet Their ‘Caribbean’ Queen

For anyone old enough to remember that song, you’re welcome for getting it stuck in your head for the rest of the day. Snowbird Games, the developers of Mount & Blade: With Fire & Sword has announced a naval action-RPG that takes place in the Caribbean, of course. The time period will be during the ‘Golden Era of Piracy’.

Over at Snowbird Games’ site, they go into a little detail explaining that this will mostly be ship-to-ship combat. There will be some out of ship combat, it seems, with Caribbean having players siege towns and ports as well as boarding other ships.

“True ‘Caribbean’ atmosphere of the vast and dangerous world” is one of the bullet points for Caribbean. That better mean either we get the option of naming our ship the ‘Billy Ocean’ or have the crew sing the song while hoisting the sails.