Michael Jai White Reprising Jax Role In Big Screen ‘Mortal Kombat’ Reboot

There hasn’t been a lot of news regarding Kevin Tancharoen’s (director of the Mortal Kombat: Legacy webseries) upcoming big-screen reboot of Mortal Kombat in the recent months. However, we do have our first bit of casting news for the film via Twitter. Michael Jai White, who played Jax in the webseries as well as the Rebirth short, has confirmed that he won’t be back for the second season of the series but definitely will be reprising the role of Jackson “Jax” Briggs in the upcoming big screen reboot of Mortal Kombat.

@sweetre15 I’m coming back to do the Mortal Kombat movie but not the web series.

— Michael Jai White (@MichaelJaiWhite) December 5, 2012


If this upcoming reboot is anything like Tancharoen’s webseries, the series may see some redemption for the awful Mortal Kombat: Annihilation. Here’s hoping to some of the other actors from the webseries joining the film’s cast as well.