Nerdcore Rapper mc chris Gets a Cartoon

It’s no secret that I’m a HUGE mc chris fan. Over the last two years his albums have appeared on both of my top 10 albums of the year lists and I once wrote a blog entry where I argued that his 2010 album mc chris goes to hell was better than Eminem, Kanye West and Drake’s albums that year.

Since that 2010 album, I’ve wanted mc to do a cartoon. The skits on his albums can sometimes over-shadow the songs I laughs per minute (which is impressive since history skits on hip-hop CDs suck balls). So when I heard a few months ago that mc chris was campaigning to get a cartoon made I was over joyed.

Well, here’s the news: he’s joined forces with the guys at Titmouse (Friends of Geekscape) and have released this teaser promo. As an mc chris fan, I am extremely satisfied with what I’m seeing and can’t wait to see more!