Longbox Thoughts: Wierd Worlds, Dorothy Gale In Fables & More!

So what happened this week?
Wonder Woman got a new costume.


She just doesn’t seem very Amazonian, does she? I like my Amazons like I like my beer: Thick and full-bodied and tall. Good head doesn’t hurt either.
It does smack of crap that Wonder Woman has been relegated to a single season on TV. She’s part of the magic three of DC lore, next to Batman and Superman. She killed a dude with her bare hands.
I think Wonder Woman could hold her own in a movie. Just have a good time with it, for crying out loud.  IT’S NOT THAT HARD PEOPLE. LET ME WRITE THE DAMN MOVIE. Ok, the nude Amazon bathing scenes might stretch the ratings limit, but hey. Butts in the seats, right?

THEN Aronofsky left Wolverine. I knew that asshole was going to bail. I know what they SAY the reasons were, but I bet he was all like “waaahhh I made a ballerina movie that some hipsters liked… waaahh…. I don’t want my follow up to be a comic book movie… waaah… I want 30 million dollars… waaahhhhhhhh. Fuck you. Woops, sorry, can I say that? Anyway. I’m just sad because this guy was making Hugh Jackman LOOK like Wolverine. Sorry THE Wolverine. This movie’s gonna blow.

David Slade, a music video director is taking over Daredevil. I mean he directed alternative vampires in 30 Days of Night and vampires from an alternative lifestyle in Eclipse. I liked the first Daredevil movie. Who knows? Maybe there’s a compromise here somewhere.

I didn’t buy any books this week. Well, I bought a Doctor Who book cos I am recently into the new adventures of the Timelord. It’s not very good. I think I’m going to give it away.
When books center around properties like this, the problems come in making sure the people look like the people, you know? So the art focuses on that, but is bland otherwise. Maybe it’s just these IDW books. They’re like the old Transformers and GI Joe cartoons. Just built to sell or promote properties. They don’t really have to be good.
I guess I did skip a week. Last week was actually a pretty heavy comic flow for me. I bought a ton of books.  

Cinderella: Fables are Forever (Vertigo/DC)


Cinderella: Fables are Forever was pretty good. I like the character of Dorothy Gale, but the story is told in a herky-jerky flash back/forward style that grates a bit on the nerves. Welcome to comics, right DICKSON?!?  I’ll wait ‘til this one is over to give it any more ink. I’m sure it’ll be fabulous.

Jennifer Blood #2


Jennifer Blood #2 fills in a bit more of the story, but I’m not clicking into it as much as I should be with an Ennis book. I think this one might end up less “Wormwood” and more “Just a Pilgrim”, you know? It’s not horrible, just not engaging. Yet. I hope yet. Maybe yet.

Zatanna #10 (DC Comics)


Zatanna #10 was my favorite of the lot. I love this book. Something about it just makes me love it. This is where the TV series should be. Get rid of Wonder Woman and make a Zatanna series! It could be just as charming and exciting as Buffy. Yeah, I know, Zatanna is on Smallville now. I hope they don’t spin that shit off. The comic is where it’s at. Can I get a hollaback? FELLAS?

Wierd Worlds (DC Comics)


I’m liking the throwbackiness of “Weird Worlds”. I mean, I guess one could say that anthology books are a clever way to get around DC’s “holding the line at $2.99” edict, but that would just assholish, wouldn’t you say? Anyway, I am a huge LOBO fan (surprised?) and so I got the book just for that. Besides, there’s a story in here about a cat called “Garbage Man”. Come on… GARBAGE MAN! The “Tanga” story has some nice art, by Kevin Maguire, though.

ANYWAY… I’m just waiting for next week when I know some good books are coming out. Until then, I’m avoiding Geekscape’s stellar coverage and endless reviews of “Paul” until I see the movie myself.
I saw that Bibbiani had an interview with Bill Paxton. I met that guy at a screening of “The Dark Backward” (IMDb THAT, Geekscape) and so here is a picture of me.

What should I be reading? What do you hate about me? What do you love? Hit up the comments. 
Steve R.