Lightning Raids Lara’s Closet With ‘Tomb Raider’ DLC For ‘Lightning Returns’

Lightning Returns brings many new features to the XIII series, many of which were detailed in our E3 preview. Most prominently, Lightning’s ever growing wardrobe/class change function has been much talked about. In recent months, we’ve learned that Lightning will be able to don outfits paying homage to Final Fantasy alumni such as Cloud Strife, Aeris, (Aerith?) Gainsborough and Yuna, but now it seems that Square Enix’s two most dominant women are due for a crossover.

It was revealed that gamers will be able to download a Lara Croft costume for Lightning, dirty face and all. As with all of the in game costumes, this one comes with its own set of equipment, which include the trademark pick axe and riot shield from Lara’s latest re imagining.

After the success of the multi million selling Tomb Raider reboot, it makes perfect sense that Square’s most famous franchise will show it some love. All I know is that this costume will be on my hard drive the moment February 11th arrives.