Kristen Stewart Fired From Snow White Sequel, The Ultimate Case of Hollywood “Slut Shaming”

So Kristen Stewart has been fired from being in the sequel to this Summer’s suprise hit Snow White and the Huntstman. You read that correctly; Snow White 2 won’t have Snow White actually in it.  According to the Hollywood Reporter, the sequel is now going to be reconceived as a spinoff movie only starring Chris Hemsworth’s Huntsman character. Right now it is still unclear whether director Rupert Sanders will return, though one source with ties to the production tells the Hollywood Reporter that he will. Screenwriter David Koepp however will not be coming back though for sure.

I actively did not like Snow White and the Huntsman, even though I really wanted to. Charlize Theron as the Evil Queen was amazing, as were the visuals. But Kristen Stewart was beyond miscast in this movie, and just dragged the whole thing down with her acting style of constant non expression. But It wasn’t just her fault, as Rupert Sander’s direction also sucked. But as much as I can’t stand Kristen Stewart as an actress, if she is being fired and Rupert Sanders is hired back, as the article suggests, this will be one of the biggest examples of “slut shaming” in recent Hollywood history.

There is no doubt that at least part of the reason that Snow White was a box office success was due to Stewart’s enormous fan base due to Twilight. Now that she has had an affair and cheated on her Twilight co-star Robert Pattinson with her Snow White director Sanders, and is considered a horrible harpy by the Twilight fans because of it, she is getting fired from a franchise she starred in and helped make successful, at least financially. And the person she cheated with is getting to probably keep his job.  She’s a 22 year old girl mind you, and he was a 41 year old married man. As I said, I am no Kristen Stewart fan at all, but if she gets punished for her infidelity and her older, married partner in said infidelity essentially gets promoted, Universal is going to look horrible.