Kari’s Anime Corner: First Impressions of ‘Idol Project’

Hi! My name is Kari Lane, and I’ve been an anime lover since I was just a little girl. Those good old days when classics like Sailor MoonDragon Ball/Dragon Ball ZCard Captor SakuraDigimon and Monster Rancher were on the most basic of cable.

Over the years, I have expanded my anime repertoire and have attended numerous anime conventions. I’m currently a host on AX Live, a web-based news program produced by theSociety for the Promotion of Japanese Animation. Recently, I’ve been watching the first discs of various anime series’, and thought it an excellent idea to write reviews based on my “first impressions”. Of course, you’ll have many unanswered questions after viewing just 4, 5, or 6 episodes, but you can get a feel for the show and decide if you want to pick up the second disc! I hope my reviews will help introduce you to some awesome anime, or help you avoid the more mediocre junk that’s out there!

First Impressions! – Idol Project (Disc 1,  Episodes 1-2)

This very short OVA (Original Video Animation – straight to DVD) is only four episodes in all, thus this review is a little different because I’ve already seen half of the series! Idol Project follows Mimu, a 14-year old girl who dreams of becoming a famous singer (meaning she’s just like most 14 year old girls). Mimu idolizes Yuri, a woman who became the current president of the world, for her music is so profound that it brought about world peace (yes, really).

In the pilot episode, there is a special audition to join the ranks of Yuri’s disciples, the”Excellent Idols”. Mimu begins her journey with intent to perform for the legendary Yuri, and possibly even join the “Excellent Idols” herself. It doesn’t seem to be Mimu’s day however: she is constantly being stopped on her way to the audition by strange encounters, and moments before she’s out of time, she is interrupted by ALIENS! The poor girl just wants to sing! The extra-terrestrials kidnap the “Excellent Idols” and Mimu (by mistake), and take them to another universe!

Will Mimu EVER get to sing? This running gag got a little old for me, but since there are only another two episodes I think I can tolerate it. The art style is 1990’s Sailor Moon-esque: big eyes, legs for days, and rich/bright colors. While this show does not have a lot of fanfare/fanservice (gratuitously sexy imagery), there are numerous innocent panty shots. The show is rather cutesy and all of the “Excellent Idols” are extremely exaggerated stereotypes (surprise surprise), forming the basis for many of the jokes. Overall, this is a fun and light show and since I only have two more episodes to go, I will certainly be finishing it off. That girl better get her shot.