Jet Set Radio is Skating Through Consoles This Summer

Jet Set Radio. It’s a title that brings back many fond memories. Memories of when the Dreamcast was the most incredible piece of equipment in my gaming library, when extreme sports were the cool thing to do and when cel shading was still unique, (it didn’t take long for that to get run into the ground.) I remember trying to learn to roller blade so I could pretend to be one of the GGs, (minus the tagging.) All that got me was a whole ton of embarassment and a near broken ankle. I wish someone would have told me that 16 was too old to play pretend.

Either way, the graffiti tagging platforming classic will be the next game released for Xbox Live Arcade and the Playstation Network in Sega’s line of Dreamcast classics. Taking control of a street gang who fight the oppressive law enforcement in the futuristic city of Tokyo-To, JSR was one of the most creative games on the console. While it saw a sequel on the original Xbox, this title will be an easy way for fans to relive a little nostalgia while those who missed the Dreamcast era will see what the big deal was.

To celebrate, Sega is holding a contest to get your custom tag in the game. So for those artists out there, if you want your chance to get your work tagged all over a city without the danger of getting arrested, now’s your chance! The details can be found at Sega’s site located here.

But me? I’m just excited to relive those days with one of my favorite games of the time, (minus nearly killing myself.) Most importantly, I’ll be able to play as the little goth cutie Cube. Once I unlocked her, the rest of the cast was dead to me!

Jet Set Radio is scheduled for this summer. Until then, check out the new trailer and prepare to be amazed!