Help Saint Mort Show Guest Robert Masciantonio Get His Film ‘Castaways’ Made!

Two time guest on the Saint Mort Show Robert Masciantonio (director of Neighbor) has entered his newest script “Castaways” into the Amazon Studios contest. For this film contest film-makers upload a draft of their script to the website where people can read and rate it. The script with the best rating will get made for Amazon Studios.


Robert’s script Castaways is based on the novel by Brian Keene. The story revolves around a bunch of reality show contestants (on a survivor style show) forced to wait out a tropical storm and being stalked out by mutant beasts (described as Missing Link-ish) on the island

Click the link (here) and help Masciantonio get this movie made. Robert has promised to cast Geekscapist Matt “Saint Mort” Kelly if the movie gets made (EDITORS NOTE: Robert has made no such promise, but it’s worth a shot).