‘Gotham City Impostors’ Goes Free-To-Play!

THAAATS RIIIGHT! The hyper stylized team based shooter goes free to play! Straight from the press release:

The Bats and Jokerz are running free! Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment today announced that the PC version of Gotham City Impostors is now FreeTo Play.  The latest version of the game is now available for download at no cost via Steam® and is Steamworks enabled.
Those who download the Gotham City Impostors Free To Play via the Steam client will have access to the original game, as well as all DLC packs, which includes new maps, weapons, mascots and more. Players will also experience join-in-progress matchmaking that ensures gamers are placed into populated matches.

In case you’ve been living under a rock, Gotham City Impostors is a team based shooter that pits two teams of “impostors” against each other. One side is a group of vigilante copy cats, The Bats while the other is a team of Jokerz looking to rob the city. It is insanely fun and funny as hell, Monolith really put all the right people on this game.

One of the coolest features of GCI is the vertical gameplay. Maps have multiple levels and it forces players to look up and down more.

Unconfirmed reports are that people who bought the game will get exclusive in game items. Some people have said they noticed a new DLC that is not for sale and imagine that it is for gamers who have bought the game.

Regardless you now have no excuse to NOT play this crazy fun game. For more info check out the official site HERE and why not, take a peak at the trailer below.