Enter Geekscape’s Annual Free Oscars Contest!

The Academy Awards are less than two weeks away so now’s as good a time as any to join MCDAVE’s annual Oscar Pool. It’s absolutely FREE to join and the winner will receive $50 in movie theater gift cards! Just follow the directions below and sign up today!

– Click on Members.
– Select “Create Account” (if you haven’t already). It requires an email with no spam ever!
– Once you’ve created a member username, go to the Contests page and select the 2019 Oscar Pool under “Current Contests”.
– From here you should be able to make your selections and edit them up until the start of the show on Sunday, February 24th.

Once again, participation is FREE and the winner’s $50 movie gift card will be supplied by the MovieCriticDave.com.  Also, the website is mobile-friendly so you should have the ability to access it across all devices.  If you encounter any issues creating an account or making your selections, please contact us ASAP.

Thanks and good luck!