Geekscape Tech Review: Prong PWR Case for the iPhone 6 and 6S

If you aren’t familiar with Prong, it was founded by two people who wanted to cut the cord when it comes charging your phones. It was them who came up with a case that can plug into the wall, and I believe the design has been copied (I mean, imitated) by many.

You read the title correctly, and this is a report on an accessory for the iPhone 6 and 6S. Yes, I realize that there is an iPhone 7 out now for the last few months, but Prong does not currently have a product available for that, and probably won’t until after the holiday. For those who have the iPhone 6/6S, this is easily one of the better accessories that you can buy for it with the PWR Case by Prong.

Prong has created a mobile battery charger that is also a case. This is not a new idea, but what makes this different is how is how it works. A lot of battery cases and chargers are big and bulky, and the Prong PWR Case is no exception. As you can see, you can disconnect the case charging case and still have a smaller case for your iPhone 6/6S. You can see how it looks on the left and right sides.

I hope that isn’t complicated, but this has an iPhone case that has a transparent backing. As for the backup battery, it has these fold-out prongs so it can fit nice in your wall. By the way, there is a built-in Micro USB port in case you want to recharge it that way, too. Then it has some great four LED lights that I swear are a standard for a mobile battery, because every mobile battery that I have reviewed in the past has them.

As for how much power it can give, it varies: it can do 2X Battery Power for $99.00 or 2.3X for $119.00. If you want it for yourself, you can get it on the Prong site.

Also, do you want to hear more about the latest in technology? In early January, there is a big event in Las Vegas known as CES (Consumer Electronics Show). I want to go and report on it, but I need some help. I have a new GoFundMe site that will “Send Mark (me) to CES 2017”. Please click here and make a donation.