Geekscape Tech Review: M-EDGE Sport Case for the Surface Pro 4, Shockdrop Case for the iPad Pro, and Folio Pro for the 7-8 Inch Tablets

This is our second M-EDGE review, and today I am review cases for tablets as well as one for the Surface Pro 4. I think I will start with the M-EDGE Sneak Shell (or Sport Case) for the Surface Pro 4.

It has the magnetic flap, and it is made of faux leather/microfiber leather. It has those tracks made to hold up the the Surface Pro 4 touchscreen at about any angle. Then you can put the keyboard down and get to work.

So, you should be able to purchase the M-EDGE Sneak Shell for the Surface Pro 4, on Amazon for $34.84.

As for the ShockDrop case made for the iPad Pro (the 12.9 inch version), it is pretty much a cover without the keyboard. It is another product that I have seen before, and it is designed so you can angle the iPad Pro at many angles.

It has a flap that magnetically closes, and then there is some things that look like tire tracks that hold the iPad at the proper angle. Seriously, I can’t think of a better way of describing it other than that.

Well, you should be able to pick up the M-EDGE Shockdrop for the iPad Pro 12.9 inch version on the M-EDGE site for…wait, I just checked, and I can’t find it on the M-EDGE site. I did find it on Staples for $49.99.

The last is the Folio Pro designed for 7-8 inch tablets. Most of you are familiar with how the folio works. It is a device that allows a tablet or even smartphone to be mounted on it, and Bluetooth makes it possible for you to type on your mobile device.

I’ve done several reviews on these devices, and how people like me, who were raised on keyboards and not touchscreens really need them. I will have to say that I found something strange with this keyboard. I found that on certain circumstances, I would get weird results. ittitt wouldldd lookkokk likeike thisis. Seriously, sometimes sections would repeat themselves for some reason.

I’m not going to say that it is not worth buying because of that. I think that part of the problem is that this keyboard is smaller than a conventional keyboard, and it was a little difficult to use. I think there might be a bit of a learning curve this this one.

You should be able to purchase the Folio Pro for 7-8 inch tablets for about $49.99 on the M-EDGE site.

Also, do you want to hear more about the latest in technology? In early January, there is a big event in Las Vegas known as CES (Consumer Electronics Show). I want to go and report on it, but I need some help. I have a new GoFundMe site that will “Send Mark (me) to CES 2017”. Please click here and make a donation.