Geekscape Tech Review: Flip-Pal Mobile Scanner

One of the reasons why I enjoy going to CES is that you never know what kind of new device that you will encounter. It seems like someone always has a new twist on an old device, the Flip-Pal is a scanner made for a very digital age.

The Flip-Pal gives you a very portable scanner that is about the size of a book, it is powered by 4 AA batteries that are included with the product. The moment you turn it on, the small screen asks for the date, which is easily programmed in using the four arrow key buttons.

The Flip-Pal has a lid that you put down on your subject like any other scanner, and it is perfect for photo prints. For example, my mother, who has yet to embrace the digital age, sent me some photos of me, and I scanned them using the Flip-Pal. The tiny screen that I mentioned earlier showed me a perfect scan.

The best part is getting the scans to my computer was easy. The Flip-Pal comes with a 4GB SD memory card, and I was able to eject and put in my computer. If your computer doesn’t have an SD card slot, there is a USB to SD adapter included.

The Flip-Pad is so named because unlike other scanners, you can just remove the lid and scan something. Seriously, you can just get a magazine, newspaper, or any print material and just lay the Flip-Pad on it.

You can even look through the Flip-Pad and watch it as it scans. Of course, what you scans appears on the tiny screen, and the resolution is pretty good. I tried to get the best image of this as I could, so look to the right on the image above to get an idea of how it works. There is also a way to scan bigger things, with some EasyStitch software that can combine multiple scans to make a larger image.

Now I believe that the primary audience for this is scrapbookers. There is even some StoryScans software that combines the recorded voice with a scan so you can create some good memories.

If this sounds like something that you are wanting, and I might have to recommend it to everyone, it can be purchased on the Flip-Pal site for about $139.99. The first time that I saw this product, the price was ten dollars higher, so that price could be down just in time for the holidays. This is a good thing, because the Flip-Pal would make a great gift, for so many people.

Also, do you want to hear more about the latest in technology? In early January, there is a big event in Las Vegas known as CES (Consumer Electronics Show). I want to go and report on it, but I need some help. I have a new GoFundMe site that will “Send Mark (me) to CES 2017”. Please click here and make a donation.