Geekscape Tech Review: Evoluent VerticalMouse C

This particular one known as the Evoluent VerticalMouse C is most certainly worth writing about, especially in a world full of mice. Imagine a movie trailer voice for the last part of that sentence.

You can see in the image that the thing looks like a shark fin or half the Rocketeer’s helmet, but this shape is ergonomically built to hold your wrist. I tried to get as good as a shot of it as I could without 3-D.

Apparently, using an ordinary mouse will twist your arm, but the Evoluent VerticalMouse makes your arm neutral to relieve pain, because you just reach out and grab it.

The mouse is made to keep hold your fingers and its thumb in place. The left and right clicker are there, and on the thumb are two buttons for forward and back on a web browser. What is interesting is that there is a pointer speed indicator, and you can select how fast you want your mouse can be with the pointer speed button.

I have to admit, that the VerticalMouse C took some getting used to. I mean, it is like the mouse has been turned sideways, so it is very strange to get used to. In fact, I feel that my wrist will need adjusting to it, so my muscle memory is about to face a learning curve.

You can learn more information about the product at the Evoluent site here, and it can be purchased at the Evoluent site for $89.95.

Also, do you want to hear more about the latest in technology? In early January, there is a big event in Las Vegas known as CES (Consumer Electronics Show). I want to go and report on it, but I need some help. I have a new GoFundMe site that will “Send Mark (me) to CES 2017”. Please click here and make a donation.