Geekscape Tech Review: Audiofly AF240 Headphones and AF120 In-Ear Monitors

Oh, there is one of those products that is really gourmet when it comes to sound, and that is Audiofly. I have been following this company for a very long time, and it feels like Audiofly has been continuously improving for the past few years. Now I had a chance to review two new products from Audiofly with the AF240 Headphones and the AF120 In-Ear Monitors.

Audiofly AF240 Headphones Review

I actually think this is the first time that I have ever tried any of Audiofly over-the-ear headphones, but the Audiofly AF240 certainly has a great polycarbonate body with the alloy arms. As for the specs, the Audiofly AF240 have that 40 mm single membrane neodymium driver. What is really interesting is that these are self-adjusting, so it is made to seamlessly fit over your head.

Now, if you are wearing any over-the-ear headphones, then you know the importance of cutting off the rest of the world so you can listen to your audio. Trust me when I say that the AF240 has some serious noise isolating memory foam, so you can keep the 20dB in between your ears and the phones.

So, what else does the Audiofly AF240 Headphones have? Well, let me tell you about the cable, as it is this Audioflex cable that is braided so it is flexible as it is durable. It’s pretty cool, as is the mic and control button, which is compatible to Apple and Android devices.

In addition to these AF240 Headphones with their supreme specs, this also comes with a canvas carry bag with a terrific microfiber lining.

I would say that if you are one of those audiophiles that really wants great sound, and you are willing to pay a little more, head on to the Audiofly site and pay $274.99 for this.

Audiofly AF120 In-Ear Monitors

As for the AF120 In-Ear Monitors, they are not the over-the-ear headband headphones, but the AF120 are something.

So what makes the AF120 something? According to Audiofly, it is because the dynamic driver and the balanced armature driver are stronger together (and I don’t think they stole that from Hillary’s campaign). These hybrid dual drivers are what gives the great and crisp response, and you will again have to take my word for it when I say that the sound for AF120 is great.

The cord of the Audiofly AF120 is something that I am told is built for the road, as well as the stage. With something like this, you want something light as well as smooth near your ears, and the AF120 delivers that.

Included with the accessories are the airline adapter, 1/4 inch TRS jack adapter, and a cleaning tool. There are also three sizes of dome silicon tips, tri-flange silicon tips, and even some Comply Premium Earphones tips. There is also a storage wallet, and it includes all the accessories. Now that is style.

If this is something that you want, you can get the Audiofly AF120 on the Audiofly site for about $199.99. If you that that is charging too much, then you really have to ask yourself where you can find better sounding earbuds. I’m sure that audiophiles know the answer to that one.

Also, do you want to hear more about the latest in technology? In early January, there is a big event in Las Vegas known as CES (Consumer Electronics Show). I want to go and report on it, but I need some help. I have a new GoFundMe site that will “Send Mark (me) to CES 2017”. Please click here and make a donation.