Geekscape Comics: Wait…’The Situation’ Gets A Comic Book? Is It April 1st?

No, you read it right. Wizard World is releasing this. Was this a drunken bet that went bad? Are we that desperate for new comic ideas that we sank to this low? And how many debts did Paul Jenkins (Wolverine: Origins, Batman, Hulk, Spider-Man), Talent Caldwell (Superman, X-Men, G.I. Joe), and Paul Mounts (Avengers, Ultimate X-Men, Wolverine, and Thor) owe to be making this book? Because these aren’t the worst names in the industry and I’m sorry but seeing a book revolving around this guys abs and drunken sex with Snooki isn’t my idea of a great comic. What’s next? Bad Girls Club Monthly? Top Chef: Origins? Secret Sixteen And Pregnant?The first issue is due on shelves in time for Wizard World Chicago Comic Con, August 9-12. And guess who will be there? Mike “The Situation” Sorrento himself!


Commence facepalming.