Geekscape Comics: The Five Best Batman Stories You HAVEN’T Read Yet

We told you what Bat-stories inspired Christopher Nolan’s films. Did you read those? Do you still have an itch for more? Well have no fears! Well, except for the Batman. Fear him. But  anyway…I am here to give you the best Bat-stories you should read that you probably haven’t yet.

– Justice League Of America: Tower Of Babel by Mark Waid and Howard Porter

So, if there are any two stories that pretty much solidify that Batman can kick anyone’s ass it’s Frank Miller’s The Dark Knight Returns, where Batman outwits and outduels Superman (yes…Batman HAS kicked Superman’s ass numerous times now), and Mark Waid’s Tower Of Babel. Batman has a plan for everything. Batman states that his plans were a cautionary measure that he devised after the Injustice League swapped bodies with the Justice League with the aid of the alien tyrant Agamemno years earlier . Recognizing the dangers of villains gaining control of the heroes, he creates fail-safes in case such a situation ever happens again. The event also inspires him to create plans to stop the other heroes if they should go rogue on their own. But when an enemy unlocks those secret plans and uses them. Well we get to see Batman’s obsessive planning come to fruition and some not so happy JLA members after it. Definite must read. This arc is the basis for the animated Justice League: Doom.

Batman: The Cult by Jim Starlin and Bernie Wrightson

Most of you think that no one can break the Batman (well, minus Bane…but this is before Knightfall) Well, you would be wrong. In The Cult, Batman is kidnapped, drugged, and broken down by Deacon Blackfire to a point we have never really seen him hit before.  While most of Batman’s great stories rely on his rogues gallery that is not the case here.
Starlin and Wrightson build a captivating story that truly shows Batman at his most desperate. There are also some wicked hallucinations in this story that make you wonder who is the most messed up person to write a Batman story.

Batman: The Black Mirror by Scott Snyder and Jock

This is probably Snyder’s best work pre-New 52 right here. The concept of the story is that Gotham City is its own character that reflects its seedy nature upon those who try and protect it. The story focuses on two main protagonists, Dick Grayson aka the newly appointed Batman (don’t worry…no spoiler alert needed for that) and Commissioner Gordon. Gotham puts both of the city’s protectors to the test in this one. Dick discovers what it truly means to be Batman in Gotham as he sees a darker side of the city that he has never really seen before. And on the other side Gordon’s estranged son James Gordon Jr. makes his return to Gotham, bringing a dark past with him. I won’t go into any more detail here because I actually want you to read the story. You know you want to.

Batman: Under The Hood Volume One And Two by Judd Winnick and Doug Mahnke

In 1988, writer Jim Starlin wrote a Batman story titled A Death In The Family that featured Jason Todd, the second Robin, being beat to death by The Joker with a crowbar. Intense right? Well, keep in mind the fans voted for him to die. The story of Jason Todd remained untouched for about  15 years, until the character re-appeared in the Hush storyline. Even though it was revealed that it was Clayface posing as Jason questions still arouse about just where Jason Todd was, because it was not in his grave. Black Mask has seized control of Gotham City’s criminal underworld, but his rule is challenged by the mysterious Red Hood, who has hijacked a crate full of 100 pounds of Kryptonite. You read that one right, Kryptonite. But the rest is meant to be read. This story sees the resurrection of a character that no one cared about to the point they wanted dead into one of DC’s coolest current characters. Read Red Hood And The Outlaws and disagree with me. I dare you. This story also inspired the animated Batman: Under The Red Hood which is arguably one of DC’s best animated films.

Batman: Earth One by Geoff Johns and Gary Frank

This right here is my favorite. Much like Christopher Nolan did with his movies we get a modern re-telling and updated version of Bruce’s origin story with a few minor tweaks. Earth One doesn’t stick completely with the original stories of Bruce Wayne’s metamorphosis into Batman, but that’s a good thing. We get a fresh new take on it that makes a story we all know feel like something we have never read before. One of the most interesting parts of this story is that as he tries to fill out his role as Batman, Bruce Wayne fails more times than he succeeds, but succeeds where it counts. This makes him feel more human and relatable just like the Nolan movies. So if you’re one of those who are open minded to seeing different takes on characters this one is totally for you. If you’re not well, you may not want to pick this up.

Runners up:

Batman/Grendel by Matt Wagner

Batman: Son Of The Demon by Mike W. Barr and Jerry Bingham