Geekscape Comics: Marvel To Cancel Nine Titles

In October we will see the start of the Marvel NOW! event in which Marvel will be launching a number of new titles. It appears in order to make room for the new titles a total of nine are set to be cancelled. This October, the following titles will be coming to an end.

-Captain America #19
-Fantastic Four #611
-FF #23
-Incredible Hulk #15
-Invincible Iron Man #527
-New Mutants #50
-The Mighty Thor #22
-Uncanny X-Men #20
-X-Men Legacy #275

This could mean we may see these books being relaunched with new titles and creative teams (there’s a rumor that John Romita Jr is taking over on Cap) at issue number one between October and February. I know for a fact there will be Iron Man, Thor and Captain America titles (either re-launced or re-named) but the rest are up in the air as far as I know. Full details will be revealed at Marvel’s Comic-Con panel this week.